ZENTEN’s commitment to all its stakeholders, such as its customers, its employees, as well as the environment, is the basis of its integrated management system.

We manage an integrated system that makes us have loyal customers; compliance with labor legislation and prevention of occupational risks, as well as fair and ethical management of human resources which promote qualified and motivated workers; we control our activities, services and products that may cause some impact on the environment. We also help to minimize all the significant environmental impacts that our activity generates.


ISO 9001 Certificate


ISO 45001 Certificate


ISO 14001 Certificate

At Zenten, we have taken up the challenge of United Nations as our own. A challenge to consolidate a set of global objectives to eradicate poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all as part of a new sustainable development agenda. Each objective has specific goals that must be achieved in the next 15 years.


June 2024: the importance of staying hydrated during the working day

We provide personalised water bottles to encourage water consumption. Drinking plenty of water throughout the day helps keep you alert and energised.

May 2024: Sponsorship C.D.W URGARA TXINGUDI


As part of our commitment to sport, we have been supporting the local water polo team for three years.

December 2023: Christmas box


With the box we have also tried to fulfil our commitment to sustainability and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as it contains many local products, grown within a few kilometres.

January 2023: Collaboration with optical centre


We have reached an agreement with an optical centre in our city, which offers ZENTEN employees and their families advantageous conditions when buying glasses and hearing aids. In this way, we also promote consumption in local commerce.

February 2022: Pay equity


A few months ago ZENTEN drew up an equality plan. After a pay audit it was found, among other things, that there are no wage inequalities.

September 2022: EcoPACK


We present the new packaging created by our sales department with the help of external consultants. It is a recyclable cardboard packaging, made from recycled material, which allows touching the tool and also enables an attractive presentation on the sales shelves. The new pack has also been created with suppliers in our area. This encourages business relationships in our community.

April 2022: less car traffic

We have launched an internal campaign encouraging our employees to cycle, walk or skateboard to work to help reduce their environmental impact.


As in 2021 we were not able to enjoy the summer and Christmas meals that all the staff celebrate every year, all the workers decided to donate this money to the GIPUZKOA FOOD BANK.

Once again this month, ZENTEN offers its employees the opportunity to undergo a medical check-up at the company’s expense. Regular check-ups are one of the most effective ways of preventing many health problems.

For the next two quarters, the company will reward employees who come to work by bicycle or on foot. In this way, we are helping to combat sedentary lifestyles and encourage an active and healthy lifestyle.

ZENTEN participates in the subject Entrepreneurship at the University of Deusto, presenting a case study and proposing a Challenge to the students. We like to collaborate with the educational community in our region.

In 2020 it was not possible to hold the company’s summer and Christmas meals. ZENTEN decided to donate the money for these celebrations.
Among all employees we have chosen the association NAGUSILAN as the recipient.

Big changes can be brought about by small, united actions.
Posters with information about small actions on food have been put up around the company to encourage our employees to lead a healthier life. We seek to raise employees’ awareness of food issues.

The course “Conversational Competences” is given to the employees in the offices.

The company tries to find the best courses adapted to the existing training needs. This course is very well received by the employees, who value it as “very useful” for their daily work.

Funds are collected among the workers to send to Quinchuqui Bajo (Ecuador) to help elderly people who are suffering the effects of the COVID19 pandemic in that community, where a colleague is from.